Quills, Nibs, and Keyboards

Freelance Editing & Design Services

Covers and Interiors: Frequently Asked Questions

Q: Are you currently taking book cover commissions?

I am accepting commissions for book covers now. If you have any questions about how the process works, or would like to get an estimate on a cover, please contact me here.

There are also ready-made book covers available in my shop. You can find them under the Browse Book Cover tab at the top of the page.

Do I get to participate in the creation process?

Of course! At the beginning of a project we will discuss your book and any ideas that you have for your cover. I'll take those ideas and create a sample cover. After you've looked at that, we can take care of any changes that you might want to make, or you can approve the sample. I'll send you the finished product after that.

Q: What program do you use to create interior layouts for books?

I do all my layout and design work in Adobe InDesign.

Do I get to participate in the process at all?

Of course! At the beginning of a project I will put together three sample layouts for you to look over. From there, we can discuss any changes you might want to make, or you can approve a layout for us to work with.

Q: I want to self-publish but the printer that I have chosen has specific formatting requirements. Can I still commission an interior layout from you?

The only print-on-demand service I have experience with is Lulu.com, but as long as you can provide me with page size, required or suggested margin and gutter settings, and any other relevent information, we can design a beautiful interior for your book.


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